I'm not usually one to complain. Honest. I try to always look at the "bright" side of things. Nine times out of ten there usually is one. Not tonight. I think it started when Big D walked through the door from work only to inform me that he would be eating a quick snack then heading to bed because he had to return to work in a few hours. Really?! On a Friday night, the one and only night that I plan on going to work out then pig out somewhere nice for dinner. Ugh. Ok. Fine. I can deal. I am a stay at home mommy, and I truly do love every minute of it. I will never in any way take for granted the fact that I am able to stay home with my son and enjoy his every second of being. He is amazing and truly makes me the happiest person in the world. He does however have 5 times the energy I do and can completely wear me out! So I enjoy when daddy comes home and plays a few games while I sneak away to the bathroom or my sewing machine. (yes these are my "escapes") Tonight I realized how much I take this for granted.
Little L woke up cranky from his nap (never a good sign) so I started his favorite Elmo movie and headed to the kitchen to make dinner. He came running in after me screaming at the top of his lungs. uhoh. Not good.
Let me tell you about the rest of my night with pictures.
I started his Mac-N-Cheese which if you've read previously Little L's diet has been changed to gluten free. This stuff cooks a little differently and I am not yet experienced in making it. I start the water, after it boils I added the noodles, then I noticed the DVD player had stopped playing so I had to run in and fix it. Only to come back to this...
Yup. It began to boil over. A sticky gooey nasty mess. I took the LO to his toy box and diverted his attention long enough to clean up the boiled over mess, which in turn created this mess...
that would need to be cleaned before Little L went to bed. Blah.
He then proceeded to run in and ask for a "bup" or in translation a cup of water. I went to grab one, and of course this is what I found...
Yup. It was dirty. They ALL were dirty. Of course...why wouldn't they be. This is usually about the time that I would ask Big D to grab the little one and entertain him while I washed his cup, or have him wash the cup for me while I kept Little L busy. Nope. Big D was sleeping.
So. I ended up with this...
at my legs, while I hurridly washed his cup, finished his mac-n-cheese, played with him for a few more hours to try and wear him out, bathed him, rocked him, and finally layed him to sleep. I would really love to know how single mothers do this! I can't even imagine doing it by myself every single night. I guess I would be resorting to this...
much more often.
I've had one of those weeks myself...may god grant you patience and the ability to see the good in this...in the meantime I'll raise my glass of wine and say cheers!
Thank you Calley! Looking forward to reading posts on your blog :-)
Aww!! We all have those nights!
It's funny how these things bother us SO much more when we had different expectations. Many times my DH will wonder why I'm so upset... when it's not about having to do the usual juggling act but more because I had PLANNED on having a break which didn't come!
So well said Charlene!
Moms are really the greatest! Hope everything's well now - and yes, hope you did get to enjoy some wine :)
Oh my gosh, what an evening! The poor little sad face looking up at the camera - he is adorable even when sad! I hope you get a night off soon. We all need that!
I resort to the wine (well, not ALWAYS...but on occasion!), and the DH is here most nights! I can't imagine either...
Sounds like my week...
Gluten free mac n cheese? How interesting! I wish I could have a dairy free mac n cheese... But that just sounds stupid haha.
lol boob nazi! check this link out---your dreams may come true! http://dairyfreecooking.about.com/od/kidfriendlydinners/r/MacNCheese.htm
As a single mother, who had 3 boys under 4 at one, I remember those days and they weren't fun. My infant had colic, and the one other 2 liked to hit one another, so there was nothing but tears tears in my house for a few months. Their father sat in his apartment refusing to come over and help. I remember one night, being at the end of my rope. It was a cold spring my and I went and sat on the porch as they screamed inside. I took a breath and pulled myself together. It's a wonder I ever got through that night especially now when I hear screaming children I cringe. I wonder which is better teenagers vs. babies?
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