
Life is great...just busy!

I have to be honest. Life is great! Hubby just got the okay that his job is secure for the next 4 years (can I get a woot woot) or a (raise the roof) whichever you are into! 

I've been a sewing Machine. I kid you not, ANY free time I have it is spent sewing, sewing, sewing. My mothers day gift was 5 wait no, 4.5 hours of kid free sew time. I took 100% advantage of it and got a LOT done. So much done that I actually have time to post on my beloved blog. Which I miss SO much. Seriously, I miss you all. I got a couple reviews/giveaways up and there are still more to come. Exciting ones too! 

DS1 is such a big boy now and DS2 is growing like a weed, 4 months already! He is an amazing baby, I really couldn't have asked for anything better. He sleeps and eats like a champ and just gets happier and chunkier each day. Such a cute little chunky monkey, we are all in love with him, even DS1...can you believe it!? 

My next cloth diaper stocking will be on Friday the 13th (insert blood curdling scream), with lots of goodies to be had by all. Don't miss it, you will really want to try out one of my diapers! My order's are getting out in less than 2 weeks time and customers seem very satisfied. I plan to keep it that way! 

My addiction to fabric has gotten out of control, I have an obsession with finding the most perfect and unique fabrics that will go perfectly in my shop. I even have my own fabric Facebook group. So if I start posting too much about a fabric that I found, just ignore my new geeky pleasure.

I have so much more to share but babies naps only last so long...

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